Uphold Contact Support

Contact Uphold Now :


There are 3 total ways to get in touch with Uphold. The next best way is talk to their customer support. You can contact uphold across the following mediums: Phone, Email, Web.

The uphold Help Center has answers to most questions. Uphold is happy to lend a hand, but response times may take longer than normal.

If there’s suspicious activity on your account, call Uphold automated phone system to lock your account.

To Arrange a Call Back for you, please Request a Callback to get any assistance.

Please be aware that uphold currently does not offer any phone support with a live agent. You can call uphold Support to immediately disable your account if you suspect your account has been compromised.

Once your account is disabled, you will then need to go through the automated account recovery process in order to re-enable your account, which can take several days.

If you would like to reach an agent for help, please submit an email request.

The Uphold Support phone number can be found on their email request form.

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