
Teco Energy Phone Number

Dial the toll free number below to speak with customer support representative. Get help with account questions, set up new service, outages, bill pay etc. When you call, you will be asked the questions below.

Customer Service

Call: 888-223-0800

  • Thank you for calling Teco Electric and People’s Gas where it’s our pleasure to serve you.
  • If you’re calling about a gas odor or damaged gas line, say “emergency” or press 1.
    • Please hold while your call is transferred to the next available representative. To ensure quality service, this call may be recorded.
  • For electric wire down, pole down, or equipment fire, say “electric” or press 2.
    • Please hold while your call is transferred to the next available representative. To ensure quality service, this call may be recorded.
  • For power outages, say “outage” or press 3.
    • Please stay on the line to be transferred to our outage reporting system. For faster outage reporting, please call our dedicated outage line directly at 1-877-588-1010. For emergencies, please hang up and dial 911.
    • To report a power outage, or for an outage update, press or say 1.
    • To report a wire down, pole down, or equipment fire, press or say 2.
    • To report an outdoor or streetlight problem, press or say 3.
    • For dim or flickering lights, partial power, or any other power problem, press or say 4
    • To repeat these options, press or say 9.
  • For outdoor or streetlight repairs, say “streetlight” or press 4.
    • Please hold while your call is transferred to the next available representative. To ensure quality service, this call may be recorded.
  • To repeat these options, say “repeat” or press *.
  • Otherwise, please hold for more options.
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