
Consumer Energy Phone Number

Dial the 800 number below to speak with customer support representative. Get help with your account, new service, power outages, bill pay questions etc. When you call, you will be asked the questions below.

Customer Service

Call: 800-477-5050

  • Hi. Welcome to Consumer Energy. Your call will be recorded and monitored to ensure high quality service.
  • For a gas leak, wire down, carbon monoxide emergency, or a fire, press 9 now.
  • If you are calling for your home or residential account, say “home” or press 1.
      • Option 1


    • To report an electric outage or to get an outage update, say “outage” or press 1.
    • To make a payment over the phone, say “payment” or press 2.
    • For account information, payment arrangements, or other billing matters, say “billing” or press 3.
    • To start, stop or transfer service, say “move” or press 4.
    • For appliance repair or appliance service plan, say “appliance” or press 5.
    • For all other matters, say “other” or press 6.
  • If you are calling for your landlord or business account, say “business” or press 2.
    • To report an emergency, say “emergency” or press 1.
    • To report an outage or electrical problem, say “outage” or press 2.
    • To get specific information by validating your Tax ID, say “Tax ID” or press 3.
    • To access more information using your account number, say “account” or press 4.
    • For your home or residential account, say “home” or press 5.
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